String Quartets

List of the 68 string quartets by Joseph Haydn

        A string quartet traditionally contains a first and second violin, a viola and a cello.  They typically 
        (but not always) have the four movement structure of the traditional symphony.  

        String quartets are often held by composers and connoisseurs to be the highest form of instrumental 
        compositions, although the general listening audience usually prefers orchestra or piano music.

        Haydn composed 22 string quartets between 1761 and 1771 (Op. 1, Op 2, Op. 9 and Op. 17).  
        They show increasing signs of skill, but are generally in the light "galant" style that is popular 
         to this time.

         Starting with the Op. 20 "Sun Quartets" of 1772, introduced numerous innovations that earned 
         him the sobriquet "Father of the String Quartet."  

These are five of Haydn's most important string quartet opuses (each have 6 quartets):

   Opus 20.  The Sun Quartets  (1772)  

   Opus 33.  The Russian Quartets  (1781)    

   Opus 50.  The Prussian Quartets  (1787)

   Opus 64.  Tost Quartets, set III   (1790)

   Opus 76.  "Erdödy" quartets  (1796–1797)

                         Selected String Quartets for class

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